March Promotion Test

Our first promotion test for the new year will be on Thursday, March 26th and

Friday, March 27th

Here is the schedule for the upcoming test in March.

Thursday, March 26th:

White  : 4:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm

Yellow /  Blue  : 5:00 pm ~ 7:00 pm


Friday, March 27th:

Green / Red : 4:00 pm ~ 6:00 pm

Black (Credit Testing) : 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm



December Schedule

1. December is an everyday month, which means all students can attend everyday  and anyday during this month to make up for holidays.

2. December 24th & 31st class schedules are modified per requests. Many parents request the morning classes instead of the regular classes.  Therefore we will offer only 2  morning classes on 12/24 and 12/31.  Please note that we will not have regular classes.

                   10:00 am – 10:45 am: All Belts
10:45 am – 11:30 am: All Belts

3. Winter Holidays: The dojang will be closed 12/25,26/2014 & 1/1,2/2015.


Thank you for your support and enjoy the Holidays!

October Testing Schedule

For our upcoming Promotion Testing, we have split the testing into 2 days. All color belts will test on Thursday, October 30, and all black belts and degree testing students will test on Friday, October 31. The schedule is as follows:

Thursday, October 30

4:00 ~ 5:30 (White, Yellow)

5:30 ~ 7:00 (Green, Blue, Red)

Friday, October 31

4:00 ~ 5:30 (Degree Testing)

5:30 ~ 7:00 (Black Belt Credit Testing)

All students must wear their V-Neck Uniforms and arrive 10 minutes prior to their respective testing time.

Breaking Day

슬라이드73It’s finally October, and testing is almost here. But before testing, there is Breaking Day. We will have 4 dates available for Breaking Day: October 13th ,October 16th , October 21st , and October 24th. We encourage everyone to participate as it familiarizes student with their breaking technique, and prepares them for testing.