No Class on May 19th

We’d like to announce that there will be a black belt testing on Friday, May 19, 2017. Due to the testing, we will NOT have our regular classes on this date. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we would like to invite you to make up the Friday class anytime during the prior week or after. Meaning you can come to make up the missed class on May 8-13 or May 22-26.

Character Building

We are opening up our character building program. As you know, Master Lee and the instructors work with the students to provide a quality curriculum for the students at TKS.
Many parents sit outside the dojang looking in and may not be sure what is going on inside. We would like to bridge that by opening up the curriculum that is happening inside to the parents sitting outside. On the screen where pictures are shown, you will be able to see what to expect in daily classes that week and also see what the focus is for the week. Class pictures will be shown from the previous week so you can see some of the techniques the students have learned.
Another part of the curriculum we will be opening up is the character building. Every month, we will focus on two aspects of character building such as respect, responsibility, cooperation, determination, and more. In class, students can learn how it connects to not only taekwondo but out of taekwondo too. Outside of class, parents can know what their child has learned and also help them use it at home.

Black Belt Candidate Orientation & Seminar

All Assistant Black Belts and 1st Kup Black Belts are required to attend an orientation and six seminars which will prepare the student for his/her upcoming DAN (Degree) test. The Black Belt test occurs twice a year in May and October. Each prospective black belt must participate in a seminar in order to be deemed ready for the test.

The orientation will cover the requirements and score guidelines for each category of the test, whereas the seminars will be more detailed and intensive coverage on form, breaking, and sparring techniques of Taekwondo. You, the parents, are highly recommended to join the seminars with your child for your own understanding of the test and to show support. Once again, this seminar is mandatory for, and only available to, Assistant Black Belts and 1st Kup Black Belts.

The schedule will be as follows:
Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 8.48.28 AM

March Promotion Success

Thank you to our TKS Family who came out to support our March Promotion Test. We had a great turn out and all the students did their best to show what they have learned the past three months. We look forward to working with them and seeing their progress in the upcoming months.

White, Yellow Belts

Green Belts

Blue Belts

Red Belts

Black Belts

March Testing: Promotional, Breaking Days, Sparring

TKS Promotional Testing Dates:

TKS upcoming Belt Promotional Testing dates are here as follows. The time and date for the testing will be determined based on student’s belt. Please look at the date and time carefully.

Thursday, March 16:
White : 4:00 pm ~ 5:30 pm
Yellow / Yellow Sr : 4:00 pm ~ 5:30 pm
Green / Green Sr : 5:30 ~ 6:30 pm

Friday, March 17:
Blue / Blue Sr : 4:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm
Red / Red Jr / Red Sr : 5:00 pm ~ 6:00 pm
Black (Credit Only) : 6:00 pm ~ 7:30 pm

Please wear the v-neck uniform and arrive 15 minutes early to stretch and practice for testing.

Important Reminder: The Belt Promotion Test application and fees are due by Friday, March 10th. Please, return all application and fees by the due date since late charges will apply after the due date.

Breaking Days:

We will have breaking days during class the week prior to testing. It is extremely important for students to prepare and familiarize themselves with breaking techniques.

Breaking Days are as follows:
Monday, March 6th
Tuesday, March 7th
Thursday, March 9th
Friday, March 10th

Boards will be available to practice during class according to student’s age and belt color.

Sparring Test

Sparring tests are as follows:

Wednesday, March 8th and Wednesday, March 15th during the regular sparring class time.

Important Note: The sparring test must be taken to be promoted to the next belt. Students too young for the sparring test may get special permission from Master Lee or Instructor Kwak.

Outreach Program

Thank you so much for the amazing support for the Outreach Program!

On Sunday morning, six of our TKS students were accompanied by Master Lee, Instructor Kwak, and their parents to help the homeless in LA. We had a great turnout of students and amazing support from our TKS family. Many families brought warm blankets, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels, and warm clothes which are greatly needed.

Community Outreach Feb 2017

CS 12

You can see more TKS photos and videos when you follow us on Instagram @taekwonstory

If you were unable to participate this month or would like to continue participating, there will be more opportunities in the upcoming months to donate items or volunteer your time.

New Special Class Term

The new term for both special classes, Olympic-Style Sparring and World Class Poomsae, will begin on Wednesday, February 1, 2017. These classes offer highly specialized training for competitive aspects of taekwondo. Students that are interested in joining at the Beginner Level must be at least Yellow Belt, and students interested in joining at the Advanced Level must be at least Red Belt. If you are interested in signing up, please speak with Master Lee or an Instructor for more information. All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, February 1, 2017.

Buddy Day

TKS Martial Arts Buddy Day

January 26-27, 2017 (Buddy Days) Taekwon Story Martial Arts will be having special Buddy Day Classes. Your child and their friends may attend the class in regular, comfortable clothes. We will practice Taekwondo and give your child a chance to “show and tell” about their martial arts training! Of course there will be other activities throughout the class that emphasize FOCUS, DISCIPLINE, RESPECT and FUN!

Your child may bring their buddy to our regular class times and the friends are free to attend.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us anytime at 714-990-5801 or email at