September Promotion Test

It is time for the September promotion testing. We hold promotion tests every three months and send out an application form with the students. We will send out the forms for September starting Monday, August 28th. We strongly encourage students to attend classes to practice form and techniques to better prepare for the test. From Monday, August 28th to Wednesday, September 13th, students are able to attend as many classes to practice. However, they must attend the class that is their belt level.

TKS Promotion Testing Dates:
TKS upcoming Belt Promotion Testing dates are here as follows. The time and date for the testing will be determined based on the student’s current belt. Please look at the date and time carefully.
Thursday, September 14
White / Yellow / Yellow Sr : 4:00 pm ~ 5:30 pm
Green / Green Sr : 5:30 pm ~ 6:30 pm
Black (credit only) : 6:30 pm ~ 8:00 pm
Friday, September 15
Blue / Blue Sr : 4:00 pm ~ 5:30 pm
Red / Red Jr / Red Sr : 5:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm
Important Reminder: The Belt Promotion Test application and fees are due by Monday, September 11th. Please return all application and fees by the due date since late charges will apply after the due date.
Attachments: Each Promotion Belt Test has an oral test section. Each belt level is tested on different information about taekwondo. Please see the current belt level of your student. Also, check the Home Rules as each belt level needs to remember the rules.
Breaking Days:
We will have breaking days during class the week prior to the testing week. It is extremely important for students to prepare and familiarize themselves with breaking techniques. We will focus more on techniques during the week of.
Breaking Days are as follows:
Tuesday, September 5th
Thursday, September 7th
Friday, September 8th
Sparring Test
Sparring tests are as follows:
Wednesday, September 6th, and Wednesday, September 13th during the regular sparring class time.
Important Note: The sparring test must be taken to be promoted to the next belt. Students too young for the sparring test or have other reasons for not being able to take the sparring test must get permission from Master Lee or Master Kwak.
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